2024 dues – Dues for 2024 are $365.00. If paying online there is an additional PayPal fee of $13.71 for credit card processing. To avoid the additional fee the secretary will happily take your check or cash for $365.00 at the lodge.

Relief dues – This payment option is ONLY available for members who have been approved by the Board of Relief.  Only those members approved will receive a password to access this section from the Lodge Secretary.

To start your Perpetual Membership by paying the minimal down payment, the cost is $250.00. If you chose to pay online a charge of $9.55 is added to cover PayPal’s credit card processing fees. To avoid the added fee, the Secretary will happily accept cash or a check made out to Cornerstone Lodge No. 416.

Let Your Pennies Make Good Cents (LYPMGC) is a voluntary donation of $7.30 to support Grand Lodge. If you choose to pay online a charge of $0.77 is added to cover PayPal’s credit card processing fees. To avoid the added fee, the Secretary will happily accept cash or a check made out to Cornerstone Lodge No. 416.